3 Simple Steps to Start a Morning Routine
If you’re new to this morning routine journey and don’t want to feel overwhelmed with all the things someone says you should do to have a great day, let me put your mind at ease: you only need to start with 3 simple steps! Don’t worry about the other things you may think you should do. If you start with this foundation of eating something to fuel your body, drinking things that flush out your system every day and take a multivitamin at the least, you’re going to be well on your way to feeling happier, healthier and crushing your life goals.
The Grounding Morning Routine That Empowers Me to Achieve My Goals
A morning routine that grounds you and empowers you to achieve your goals is going to look different than my morning routine or your best friend’s morning routine or even your spouse’s morning routine. We are uniquely and wonderfully made and each season of life brings on different needs and goals. At this time in my life, I am a working stay-at-home mom (because what stay-at-home mom ISN’T working her ass off?!) trying to run and expand my online business. At the same time, I’m also trying to reach my potential to be the best version of myself in my relationships, health and spiritual life. That’s no small task and the goals you want to achieve aren’t small either. Let’s allow ourselves to explore what we want and who we want to be!
Why Your Morning Routine Is Important in Achieving Your Goals
Research shows that creating habits and starting your day on the right side of the bed sets the tone for your day. Days add up to weeks, which add up to months, which adds up to a year. A YEAR! This may seem like a DUH moment, but once I started researching the effects of habits and routines and how those could directly affect the outcome of my achievements, I quickly realized that a few minutes here and a few minutes there doing some small, not so hard things, could really add up to accomplishing my dreams. I realized that we spend so much time doing things that don’t serve us.
7 Steps to a Positive Daily Mindset
Our minds are a powerful thing. The brain is the control center that makes everything go physically, spiritually and emotionally. Think about that for a second. That thing is THE thing that can make or break us! Contrary to popular belief, we are able to control our mind. We control how we feed our brains with the food we eat, the media we consume and by what we tell ourselves. If we feed ourselves with a bunch of junk, we’re going to have clouded minds that feel like a closet we need to clean out. If we feed ourselves with wholesome, nutritious, positive things, our brains will feel strong, tight and ready to run this marathon of life.
What is Cycle Syncing?
If you’re anything like me, you’ve been conditioned to think the same way; to push down any negative physical or emotional feelings so that you can get the job done. But, NEWSFLASH, not only are we women that are trying to live our best lives, but we literally bleed every month and create, carry and push babies out. I think it’s time we acknowledge what’s happening in our bodies and give ourselves the love and grace that we deserve.
3 Reasons Eating Breakfast Helps You Accomplish Your Goals
Nurishment over hangryness equals not sweating the small stuff. Suddenly, my dog needing to be fed, my daughter’s diaper needing to be changed and my husband’s existence are all things that I am actually happy about. When I’m happy and don’t waste my energy on being upset about something trivial (read: hangry), I can use said energy on things like accomplishing my goals.
Why The Creative Process Is For Everyone
Do you think you’re an artist? Whether you’re an entrepreneur, employee, student or stay-at-home parent, you are an artist and creator. We are all the creators of our lives and not a day goes by without us creating something to make our lives happen. An artist has to create work. An entrepreneur has to create the structure of their organization. An employee is a part of creating ways to move the company’s mission forward. A student creates their future with their work in the classroom. A stay-at-home parent is typically the creator of how their household runs. Ultimately, we’re all artists of our lives and creating is something we all do each and every day.