Why Your Morning Routine Is Important in Achieving Your Goals

Research shows that creating habits and starting your day on the right side of the bed sets the tone for your day. Days add up to weeks, which add up to months, which adds up to a year. A YEAR! This may seem like a DUH moment, but once I started researching the effects of habits and routines and how those could directly affect the outcome of my achievements, I quickly realized that a few minutes here and a few minutes there doing some small, not so hard things, could really add up to accomplishing my dreams. I realized that we spend so much time doing things that don’t serve us.

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Why The Creative Process Is For Everyone

Do you think you’re an artist? Whether you’re an entrepreneur, employee, student or stay-at-home parent, you are an artist and creator. We are all the creators of our lives and not a day goes by without us creating something to make our lives happen. An artist has to create work. An entrepreneur has to create the structure of their organization. An employee is a part of creating ways to move the company’s mission forward. A student creates their future with their work in the classroom. A stay-at-home parent is typically the creator of how their household runs. Ultimately, we’re all artists of our lives and creating is something we all do each and every day.

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