What is Cycle Syncing?

Quick Disclosure: Some of these links are affiliate links. When you click on them to purchase something on this page, it won’t cost you anything extra! I might receive a commission for sharing this good info with you. Which works out, because I was going to tell you about it anyway! 

In my experience as a woman, I’ve been known to suppress how I feel physically and emotionally so that I can muscle through whatever life throws at me. Being a retired professional dancer taught me that there was no time for being tired, the show must go on and that I am easily replaceable. I actually remember a professor of mine screaming over the music during a warm up at the beginning of class, “REMEMBER, YOU LOVE BEING TIRED! YOU LOVE DOING THE THINGS THAT MAKE YOU TIRED!” Today, I sort of get what she was trying to say, but in retrospect, that wasn’t the best choice of words to get her point across to exhausted dance majors. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been conditioned to think the same way; to push down any negative physical or emotional feelings so that you can get the job done. But, NEWSFLASH, not only are we women that are trying to live our best lives, but we literally bleed every month and create, carry and push babies out. I think it’s time we acknowledge what’s happening in our bodies and give ourselves the love and grace that we deserve.

After giving birth, I was shocked at the incredible hormonal drop (even though I read every book I could get my hands on about all things giving birth). With all the prenatal workouts and trying to eat healthy, there was still nothing that could have prepared me for that hormonal drop as a first time mom. I breastfed for the entire first year AND I opted to get an IUD at the three months postpartum mark. When I stopped breastfeeding, the hormonal drop I experienced mirrored that of giving birth. Talk about a roller coaster of hormones! I was completely caught off guard and shook by what my body was feeling and I couldn’t get a handle on it. To feel better, I tried my best to eat the right foods, do the right workouts, and get a good amount of sleep. In my quest for a holistic approach, I began researching balancing hormones and came across a book that completely changed my view on how to take care of myself.

Enter, In the Flo by Alisa Vitti. According to the author (also author of the bestseller Womancode),“Syncing with your cycle is all about knowing where you are in your menstrual cycle and using that knowledge to understand yourself better and support yourself as hormone levels change.” I learned valuable information about our superpowers as women that no one is talking about. I gained an understanding about:

  • Our 28-day Infradian Rhythm

  • Hormones

  • The phases of our menstrual cycle

  • Each phase in our cycle requiring different things

I drank in the information like water and shouted what I learned from the rooftops so that all my friends and family could understand the healing powers of connecting with your mind, body and spirit in this cyclical way. Now, I’m shouting the good news from my computer and sharing it with you, so open up your mind and heart and let’s get you feeling your best!

Our 28-day Infradian Rhythm.

We all know about the 24 hour clock that we abide by. There’s only 24 hours in a day, and if you’re anything like me, you try to cram as much stuff as possible into that 24 hours. Then we wash, rinse, repeat day after day. The cool thing about being a woman (yes, there are MANY cool things about being a woman) is that we have another clock inside of us called the 28-day infradian rhythm that “influences your brain chemistry and physiology, providing you with unique gifts and strengths at different times of the month.” Just like our circadian rhythm, it’s imperative that we take care of our infradian rhythm so that we can feel great and be our best selves. When we honor this type of clock instead of the almighty 24 hour clock, we no longer feel like there’s just not enough time during the day. How freeing is that?!


As women, we have a few key hormones and hormone levels that make up who we are and give us abilities to work smarter, not harder when they’re balanced.

  • Estrogen participates in ovulation.

  • Progesterone is the lovely hormone that goes bananas when you become pregnant.

  • Testosterone makes you want to have sex (not shocking).

  • Follicle stimulating hormone makes ovarian follicles mature.

  • Luteinizing hormone makes a mature egg release.

  • Insulin carries glucose (sugar) into our cells.

  • Cortisol is the stress hormone (which is actually good for you in low levels).

The phases of the menstrual cycle.

There are four phases that make up the menstrual cycle. Each of these phases represent something different happening in our body and carry specific superpowers.

  • Follicular phase is the first 7-10 days after your period where estrogen is on the rise.

  • Ovulatory phase lasts about 3-4 days and estrogen hits its highest point.

  • Luteal phase lasts about 10-14 days and progesterone hits its highest point.

  • Menstrual phase lasts about 3-7 days and all hormones are at their lowest point.

Each phase of our cycle requires different things.

The hormone levels that are present in each phase of our cycle make us feel certain ways. According to Alisa’s Cycle Syncing Method, we are to medicate ourselves in positive and holistic ways throughout each phase so that we can tap into the superpowers that each phase has in store for us. We can do this by eating the right foods, doing the right workouts and managing our energy, work load, sex life and mom life in sync with what our bodies need in each cycle. 

When I tapped into these secret gems of being a woman, I felt better. My baby weight was finally falling off, my skin was clearer and I had more energy. With my mind a little clearer and my body feeling a little more like home, I also gained the courage to call my doctor and talk about the things I was feeling a little over a year after having my daughter. Even though I was in a routine again and was feeling better, I still wasn’t myself. It was at that appointment that my doctor diagnosed me with postpartum depression and anxiety. While I absolutely recommend cycle syncing for optimal health as a woman, I also urge you to stay conscious of how you are feeling and what your body is experiencing at any time, but especially after giving birth. I wish talking to my doctor was the first step I took for my health and not the last. If you’re experiencing signs of depression or anxiety, especially after giving birth please talk to a professional. Getting help is like doing a tough workout or eating a healthy meal: it can be a drag at first, but once you do it, you’ll never regret it.

So, now what? The biggest factor in achieving your goals is creating a foundation of simple routines that set you up for success each day. I’ve got something just for you to help make that happen! In my free Morning Routine Maker, I show you just how quick and easy creating a morning routine actually is. Click the button below to get instant access to the life changing magic that is the morning routine. Brace yourself, you just might become a morning (read: routine) person!

To make our dreams happen, we’ve got to feel good, right? Our mind, body and spirit are all connected and if our body is out of whack, our mind and spirit aren’t going to be in tip top shape either. Something that is an important part of my intentional lifestyle to feel at my best is having a protein packed smoothie for breakfast. My Sunrise Smoothies are what I drink for breakfast every single day to pack in the nutrients needed for crushing my life & biz goals. Skipping breakfast because mornings are too chaotic to even think about eating something? Skipping breakfast because eating in the morning makes you feel nauseous? Skipping breakfast because you’re trying to lose weight? All of those are myths that can leave you feeling hangry and how can a hangry person achieve their goals? Let me show you the magic that are the Sunrise Smoothies and I bet all of those skipping breakfast excuses will fade away and your achievement will skyrocket.

How well do you know yourself? Do you know what really sets your soul on fire? Maybe you’ve taken a deep dive into getting to know yourself before but it’s been awhile. In the Happiness Helper, you’ll go through a quick and easy exercise to really dig into some parts of you that you may not have stopped to think about before. Once you’ve explored these areas of your likes and dislikes, you’ll experience clarity and may even be surprised at some of the things that make your wheels turn. Don’t live inside a tightly structured box of a narrative that you or someone else has placed on you anymore! Prepare yourself to feel empowered to go after the kind of life that YOU want to live; not a life that someone told you that you were destined to. Get ready to take a deep sigh of relief!


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